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Zircon (Jarkan) derives its name from the Persian word "zargun," meaning "golden-colored." Embrace the allure of Zircon Stone Benefits, renowned for its brilliance and versatility. Whether it's the enchanting White Zircon Stone or the captivating Blue Zircon, each gemstone offers unique qualities and symbolism. Explore the mesmerizing world of Zircon (Jarkan) at Koustubh Gems and discover the perfect gem to adorn yourself. Buy gems online now at Koustubh Gems, Explore our unique collection of gems!

Better financial condition

Growth In Fine Arts

Heals Urinary Troubles

Good for married life

Weight (Carat)

0 ct 100 ct 0 ct - 100 ct

Weight (Ratti)

0 rt 100 rt 0 rt - 100 rt

Weigh (Mg)

0 mg 5000 mg 0 mg - 5000 mg


₹ 0 ₹ 500,000 ₹ 0 - ₹ 500,000

The Koustubhgems Online Collection

Select a beautiful piece from our wide online selection, or chat with our experts for more options!

Zircon, with its sparkling beauty and dazzling allure, symbolizes prosperity, protection, and spiritual growth. Let’s delve into the meaning and benefits of this exquisite gemstone:

  • Symbol of Prosperity and Abundance: : Zircon symbolizes prosperity and abundance, attracting wealth, success, and good fortune into the life of the wearer. It promotes financial stability, business growth, and material well-being, making it an ideal gemstone for entrepreneurs and individuals seeking prosperity.
  • Protective Properties: Zircon is believed to possess protective properties that shield the wearer from negative energies, psychic attacks, and environmental stressors. It forms a protective barrier around the aura, deflecting negativity and promoting a sense of security and peace of mind.
  • Enhanced Spiritual Awareness: Zircon enhances spiritual awareness and intuition, facilitating spiritual growth and inner transformation. It stimulates the third eye chakra, heightening psychic abilities and deepening meditation practices, leading to greater insight and spiritual enlightenment.
  • Emotional Healing and Balance: Zircon is renowned for its emotional healing properties, promoting emotional balance, inner peace, and mental clarity. It soothes emotions, alleviates stress, and helps release past traumas or negative patterns, fostering a sense of serenity and well-being.

Curious if Zircon is the right gemstone for you? Consider the following:

  • Seekers of Prosperity: If you’re seeking prosperity, success, and financial abundance, Zircon can serve as a powerful talisman for attracting wealth and good fortune into your life.
  • Individuals in Need of Protection: Those seeking protection from negative energies, psychic attacks, or environmental stressors can benefit from wearing Zircon, as its protective properties create a shield of spiritual armor around the wearer.
  • Spiritual Seekers: Individuals on a spiritual journey seeking to deepen their spiritual awareness, intuition, and connection with higher realms can benefit from wearing Zircon, as it enhances psychic abilities and facilitates spiritual growth.
  • Emotionally Sensitive Individuals: If you’re dealing with emotional turmoil, stress, or anxiety, Zircon can help restore emotional balance, inner peace, and mental clarity, promoting a sense of serenity and well-being.

Explore the diverse range of Zircon jewelry, including:

  • Zircon Rings: Adorn your fingers with the sparkling beauty of Zircon rings. Whether as an engagement ring or a statement piece, Zircon rings exude elegance and sophistication with their brilliant sparkle and vibrant colors.
  • Zircon Necklaces and Pendants: Elevate your style with Zircon necklaces and pendants that showcase the dazzling allure of this exquisite gemstone. Whether worn solo or layered with other necklaces, Zircon jewelry adds a touch of glamour to any ensemble.
  • Zircon Bracelets and Earrings: Complete your look with Zircon bracelets and earrings that accentuate your individuality. Whether you prefer delicate studs or bold statement pieces, Zircon jewelry adds a touch of sparkle and sophistication to your outfit.

The price of Zircon gemstones varies depending on factors such as quality, size, color, and origin. High-quality Zircon with intense brilliance and vibrant colors command premium prices in the market. Factors influencing prices include:

  • Color and Clarity: Zircon with vivid coloration and high clarity is highly valued for its beauty and rarity, fetching higher prices compared to stones with less intense color and clarity.
  • Origin: Zircon sourced from reputable origins such as Cambodia, Sri Lanka, or Tanzania may command higher prices due to its quality, size, and rarity.
  • Size and Cut: Larger Zircon stones with well-defined cuts and shapes may command higher prices due to their rarity and aesthetic appeal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Zircon (Jarkan) is a stunning gemstone known for its brilliance and versatility, making it a popular choice for jewelry.
In astrology, Zircon (Jarkan) is associated with Venus and is believed to enhance beauty, love, and creativity.
Yes, Koustubh Gems offers a wide selection of Zircon (Jarkan) gemstones online, ensuring authenticity and quality in every purchase.
The price of a Zircon (Jarkan) in India can vary based on factors such as color, clarity, size, and origin. Koustubh Gems offers competitive pricing for Zircon (Jarkan) gemstones to suit different budgets.
Zircon (Jarkan) is believed to have various benefits, including promoting mental clarity, enhancing confidence, and attracting prosperity.
Yes, Zircon (Jarkan) is commonly used in astrology to enhance the positive effects of Venus and bring harmony to relationships.
You can buy authentic Zircon (Jarkan) gemstones online from Koustubh Gems, a trusted source for high-quality gemstones. Explore our unique collection and experience the beauty and benefits of Zircon (Jarkan) for yourself!

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