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How to Find your Ring Size

Finding the perfect ring isn’t always easy. But we’re here to help.
With this ring size calculator, let your hands effortlessly hold the gaze of the world, with a lot more grace and beauty.

How to Find your Ring Size / Measure Ring Size

Find Out How!
Follow these steps to know your ring size.

Step 1

Go to your Jewellery Box and get a ring that fits right.

Step 2

Place your ring on the ring outline that will appear.

Step 3

Use the scale to adjust the size of the ring on the screen to the circumference of your ring.

Step 4

When you’re done adjusting the ring, you’re all set.

Measuring Ring Size:

Measure in the Evening: Preferably, measure your ring size in the evening (as your fingers are slightly smaller in the early morning, and in cold weather)
Measure Atleast Twice: Measure twice to make sure that you took the correct measurement
UK SizeUS SizeIndian SizeCircumference of Ring in mm
J 948.7
O 1555.1
Z2 13¾3271.7
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